Our Services
Riverina Mowing provides one of the highest quality lawn mowing options with our new Cylinder Lawn Mower. Cylinder lawn mowers, also called Barrel or Reel Mowers, are for those people that want a “bowling green” perfect finish.
Cylinder Mowers use a very different cutting technique to ordinary Rotary Mowers. For instance the blade they use is very different to the rotary blades used on other types. These mowers carry a horizontally fixed cylinder of blades which is able to cut the blades of grass more precisely using a scissor like action rather than a hacking motion. They offer a lower cut that any other type of mower as the cutting height adjustment systems that are installed on them typically go as low as 5mm as opposed to 25mm for rotary mowers.
Riverina Mowing offers our Cylinder Mowing Service on a weekly basis. Anything longer than weekly will simply not produce the desired result.